
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Girl Talk

It's all about girl talk at the Pardy home these days. That's right - we're having another girl! With this news comes the relief of not having to re-paint any walls, not having to buy any new things that are currently pink or rosy, and above all...the grand relief of simply knowing what we are having!
I could hardly stand the wait. Eighteen and a half long weeks of wondering if I could change the "it" status to "he" or "she" was a long enough wait for me. I know several people who wait until the blessed day to experience the great reveal. They say it is the "surprise of a lifetime" or that it gives you "more motivation to get through labor" to find out what you are having.
Not me, no thank you. I would be bald and anxious if I had to wait that long - having pulled all my hair out at the thought of not being able to plan ahead. Besides, I think that enough surprise comes along with bringing another entirely new human into the world that the more mystery we can take out of it - the better. (Certainly just my opinion, but hey, it's my blog.)
So - when the tech finally spun the screen around so we could see the wiggly black and white blob jerking around in there, we were giddy with excitement to interpret the blurry image into a discernible, cuddly little she-baby. A girl! A sister for Matilda! That means...TWO girls under two! Wow, that's a lot of pink. :)
Of course, with any defining news, I find there is always a twinge of grief towards the loss of the "possibilities". The spark of sadness that "what would life have been like with a son" is very soon to pass, but certainly not to be ignored. Exactly the same as if it had been the other way around...if we had found out it was a boy, then I would have certainly experienced a twinge of "no sister for Matilda yet" along with the additional stress of buying a plethora of blue things! All that to say, it takes a shift in your mind when you find out news that will forever affect your family - and a new perspective that filters your planning, your preparation, and in this case - your parenting.
What will it be like to parent two girls? This is thrilling and terrifying! (As is parenting in general!) But, I am up for the challenge - and the joy!
After all, sugar and spice, and everything nice...that's what little girls are made of! (Right?)
Now, having sat on the news for a week, letting it resonate and totally fill my head and heart with thoughts of girly delight...we are simply beyond thrilled to anticipate the welcoming of a second girl into our family! Of course it never really mattered if it was going to be a boy or girl - we were entirely more focused on the health of the baby than anything else during the ultrasound, and just jubilant to walk away with the news of knowing what to expect. I am happy to report that all is well, and this girl is healthy and growing like a weed! She is also very, VERY busy! The ultrasound tech said she was the squirmiest baby she had ever seen! At one point she said "Okay, your baby is just doing jumping jacks now" as if to already be defiantly mocking the tech's orders. I just laughed and said "Sounds like my daughter!" In fact, they had to call me back in for additional images since this little girl just wasn't holding still for her close-ups.
Looks like we got another wily one on our hands already!
Atta girl.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bellies, Bellies, Everywhere Bellies

Beware, planet earth is being taken over by pregnant ladies! I swear it is true!
I know that when anything substantial is happening in your life you tend to be acutely aware of those around you experiencing the same thing. Moving, getting a new job, getting engaged or married...any major news comes along and suddenly your whole world is seen in a new light. Well, I must be wearing pregnancy goggles, because I swear there is a pregnant lady every direction I look (and no, I'm not in the waiting room of my doctor's office).
In the last month I've had 3 friends have babies, 2 friends find out they are pregnant, and currently have a couple other friends ready to pop any day now! In fact, one co-worker's wife is in the hospital in labor today, while another co-worker announced he and his wife are due in August! What in the world!?!?
Along with morning sickness, cravings, swollen ankles and more...I would put "Belly Radar" at the top of the list of "what to expect when you're expecting". I feel like I can spot a mama-to-be from 20 yards, with a variety of shapes and sizes leaving me guessing what week she might be and how she compares to my blossoming bump. I'm not ashamed - I know she is doing the same to me - and all with one encouraging glance as if to say "I hear ya - keep going! We can do this! We are awesome!"
The "belly bunch" or "band of bellies" or "belly brigade", if you will (take your pick), is quite the exclusive club, though our membership is expanding rapidly every day (no pun intended). Of course there are various ranks within the club: First Timers, Multiples, Experienced, Home Birthers, etc. There is really no limit to the categorization. I, myself, adhere to a variety of unions: there's the "I don't care how much I gain" guild, the "I'm going to wear these leggings yet again" sorority, the "You bet I'm drinking regular coffee this morning because I know it's okay to have 100 mg of caffeine thank you very much so don't give me that look" society, and others.
Certainly we are in the current age group of when pregnancies most likely occur. It is no surprise when our group of friends married around five years or less start getting the baby bug and everyone begins to speculate who will be next to "drink the water". So, to all the new mamas and mama-to-be's out there...congratulations, hang in there, high five, and throw back another ginger ale! This is the club of a lifetime, with eternal membership and immeasurable benefits.
Proudly a member since 2009...Welcome.