
Thursday, March 4, 2010


A couple weeks ago our pastor started a new series in church titled "Follow Me". Much to my generation-XYZ-surprise, it is an exploration of Jesus' ministry through each of the gospels - and not a marketing ploy for someone's new Twitter account. But, that got me thinking, if Jesus were living, breathing, and being alive as a human here in this time with us today, would Jesus be working His iPhone daily, updating His status and "gathering Followers" right alongside Ashton and Conan and the rest of us?

What would Jesus Tweet?
Here's just a sampling of what went through my mind...

Bcuz I first luv u, that's why!

Just walked on water, that's how I roll. @peteluvsfish Chin up!

OMG is an awesome G.

Loaves + fish = nom nom nom!

Just cast demons into...get this...wait for it...Swine! LOL!

Water into wine = mindbomb! @weddingirl55 ur welcome!


@johnnybgood I dip you dip we dip! Thx for the baptism!

Raised @Lazarusawesome from the dead! Go high five that guy!

I heart Samaritans! Just ask @wellWoman!

Remember when that storm just quit out of nowhere? That was me! Peace @doubtingdesciple!

What a sight for sore eyes! @blinddude1 and @blinddude2 can see again!

Anyone else hear that rooster crow? @peterepeat...Can't say I didn't warn you!

The tomb is empty! Sorry missed you @mmagdalene and @simonpete - had to spread the news!

Good to see my bros again! @thomasdoubter For realsies!

Hmm, let's just say I'm glad that the Bible doesn't limit Jesus to 140 characters or less. :)


  1. minor in bible finally going to some good use!

  2. I just read this (finally getting caught up on blog reading) and it totally cracked me up. Ur so clever!


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